I have Channeled More Messages Entitled ‘Source Speaks‘ Here is the most recent message from this series and came through today

This came through today following a client session. The client was seeking clarity on her situation and future and the message was short but sweet!
If you want CLARITY, you have to be CLEAR with yourself!
We often throw out requests to the Universe on what we would like to manifest in our reality or how we would like our reality to be and yet subconsciously we are sending mixed messages.
We are often requesting major changes to our lives whether that be connected to our jobs, finances, lifestyles or relationships and yet as we are saying the words out loud our internal dialogue is often saying something very different.
What we have to fully understand is ‘EVERYTHING IS ENERGY’ and it doesn’t matter whether we are saying it out loud or not or conscious aware of it or not, whatever we are putting out to the Universe is heard and creating our reality in each moment.
So if you are saying, I want FREEDOM and JOY!
But, your internal dialogue is saying, ‘But I don’t want my relationship to change or my lifestyle or this or that….
Then you are immediately throwing out mixed messages. And your energetic frequency is misaligned and clouded.
If you want CLARITY on what you are co-creating in each moment.
You need to get CLEAR on your energetic frequency, and clear out all of the ‘white noise’ distorting your field.
You have to go within and gain awareness of and clear out the opposing energetic frequencies to that which you are trying to create.
In Love, Light & Service to ALL