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Making Miracles Special Offer Package A

Original price was: £167.00.Current price is: £100.00.

Own this discounted package offered by Louise Matson for The Making Miracles Happen Summit!

Personal Healing & Guidance Session with Louise Matson PLUS The Season Four Collection The MUNDANE TO MAGICAL SUMMIT!

Valued at £167 and yours for £100

  • 60 Minute Personal Healing & Guidance Session via Zoom
  • This session is designed to improve your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and assist you on your journey of awakening and standing in your sovereignty. I am here to empower you to be ALL that you are! The session can include:
    • 1:1 Energy Healing
    • Channeled Guidance from my guides and healing teams
    • Guided Healing Journeys/Meditations
  • Downloadable audio recording of the session
  • The Entire Collection of Season Four of the Mundane to Magical Series
    Downloadable formats in Video and Audio!

Making Miracles Special Offer Package B

Original price was: £275.00.Current price is: £175.00.

Package B includes:

1hr One to One Healing & Guidance Session  PLUS A Soul Contract Reading

These sessions are for people who are currently feeling stuck and in need of assistance at this time to reconnect with your Soul Purpose and Higher Guidance. During the Healing & Guidance session I open myself to channel messages, guidance and healing perfect for you in this now moment from the highest vibrational energetic beings of Divine Love, Light & Integrity.

During the Soul Contract Reading Session I feedback the information received by calculating your unique and individual Soul Contract.  This session will highlight your soul journey putting any previous challenges into perspective regarding your soul’s evolutionary journey and indicate your unique gifts and talents to realign you to your Soul Purpose and full potential in this lifetime.

You Receive:

  • 1hr 1:1 Healing & Guidance session held over zoom providing channeled guidance and energy healing to meet your individual needs at this time
  • An audio recording of the session for your own use and reference.
  • 1hr 1:1 Soul Contract Reading Session with audio recording and Soul Contract Chart

Soul Contract Reading


Soul Contract Reading

These sessions are for people who are currently feeling stuck and in need of assistance at this time to reconnect with your Soul Purpose and Higher Guidance. 

During the Soul Contract Reading Session I feedback the information received by calculating your unique and individual Soul Contract.  This session will highlight your soul journey putting any previous challenges into perspective regarding your soul’s evolutionary journey and indicate your unique gifts and talents to realign you to your Soul Purpose and full potential in this lifetime.

You Receive:

  • 1.5hr 1:1 Soul Contract Reading Session with audio recording and Soul Contract Chart
  • Guidance on how to work with your individual sacred Fire Letters to unlock your gifts and talents

Soul’s Journey Reading



The total investment for a ‘Soul’s Journey’ reading is £150, this is based the preparation time involved related to your Birth Chart Reading (if not already done) and the multiple name changes since birth (single nicknames not included e.g. ‘Serge’).

What you will receive:

  • A 60min reading over Zoom/ Skype covering the following:
    A review of your Birth Name Soul Contract Reading
    An analysis of what new vibrations have been brought in with each name change from birth to now
  • A Copy of the Soul Contract Reading Comparison Chart (pdf)
  • A downloadable audio recording of your session (mp3)

This reading provides you with an understanding of how far you are progressing with the full transmutation and activation, ‘Mastery’, of each of the separate ‘vibrations’ held within your birth name.  

Some name changes bring forth new and powerful catalytic energies/ gifts and strengths in the perfect position to assist you to overcome/ transmute your ‘challenging’ vibrations (situated in the Karmic/ Challenge position within your birth chart) whereas other energies bring through their own issues to contend with.  

With each name change whether it be through marriage or some other reason we can track your progression to achieving your Soul’s Destiny and who you came here to be in this lifetime!

Spiritual Awareness Package

Rather than people signing up for stand alone sessions I like to offer packages of mentoring/ healing and channeled guidance.  This enables me to offer the support and healing you may need in between our 1:1 sessions.

This Spiritual Awareness package equates to 16.5hrs of my time and is for anyone who wants to go deeper into their journey of spiritual awakening.

This package includes mentoring, teaching and an opportunity for accountability to enable you to reach your soul evolutionary goals.

During the sessions I open myself to channel messages/ guidance and healing perfect for you in this now moment from the highest energetic beings of Divine Love, Light & Integrity.

The package is designed to not only improve your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing but to assist you to reclaim your truth, reconnect to the magic all around you and enable you to stand in your power so that you can manifest your soul-fuelled magical life. I am here to assist you on your journey of awakening and standing in your sovereignty. I am here to empower you to be ALL that you are!

You receive:

  • 1:1 Energy Healing Channeled Guidance from the Highest Vibrational Energy Beings and Healing Teams
  • Guided Healing Journeys/Meditations and Tools as required
  • Support & Guidance in between 1:1 Sessions
  • Total of 16.5hrs over a timeframe to suite your needs
  • Payment plans available

Soul-full Living Mentoring

Do you want to trust your intuition and have the courage to take action in alignment with your truth?

Do you feel you are ready to really shift your life onto your next highest level?

Are you ready for change but unsure of the next steps to take?

Do you desire some support on your awakening journey?

Then this soul-full living mentoring program may be what you are looking for…

If you would like to access 3, 6 or 12 months access to:

  • Healing and Guidance from the Highest Vibrational Energy Beings to enable deep transformation in your lives
  • Clarification on your Purpose and Reconnection to your Truth
  • Clearing old Programs and Blocks that are stopping you from standing in your Sovereignty and living your Highest Version of Self
  • Learning how to connect with your intuition and support to trust it implicitly so that you live your life in alignment with your soul truth

Then this program is for you!

If you are ready to realign to your true potential but require support, accountability and an in-depth focus for your self-developmental work and your spiritual journey.

What you will receive:

  • Two 1.5hr 1:1 Healing/Guidance Sessions per month 
  • One Monthly 30min Accountability Check In Call per month
  • A Soul Contract Reading – to understand your soul purpose and individual gifts and talents 
  • Ongoing Support & Guidance to meet your needs during our time together